Latest news

Date : 2024-12-31 Filed Under : News

2024 Events are on the Events Page and entries are made via Equoevents  

 The times are on the Events Page for Sundays ODE / HT.  The entries are disappointing so if you would like to enter please get in touch.  We will be having HT entries on the day so hopefully some more pairs will come forward.

All the pre planning, admin and groundwork is done by Ian, Michael and myself.  The boys have done this in conjunction with the farm work between them which this year and last has been a struggle to say the least.  Ian and I also do all the horse livery between us so we juggle this with running our events.
We couldn't do this without our amazing volunteers who consist of liveries, friends and family who are giving up their fathers day on Sunday to sit in a field for little more than a bacon buttie :-)  
So if you are free on Sunday and would like to make an ODE entry please get in touch xxx

Charity News 2024

Over the last 12 months we have donated to the following Charities

£100 to Seaton Sluice Defibrillator Group
£100 to Great North Air Ambulance
£88.83 to Children in Need
£750.77 for Blyth Wildlife Rescue  
Thank you to everyone who helped xx

Competitors Please Note

Please ensure that your name and address details are up to date on your Equoevents account.  As these details will be required if we send out rosettes and prizes to the winning competitors

2024 Events

Date : 2024-12-31 Filed Under : News

Gloucester Lodge Partners

Veterinary cover is provided by Robson & Prescott 

Photography at all our events is provided by MPG Photography 

First Aid cover by Rapid Reaction 

Our Food is Provided by The Bay Trees 

Again we cannot run our events without the help of our fabulous volunteers who come and give up their time for free to help out at these events.  These people are made up of family, friends and enthusiastic supporters of horses and riders, many have never ridden a horse in their life, others still do.  If you would like to come and join this amazing team, full training is given and there are many perks of the job number one is the bacon sarnies.  Please contact Ian on 07751156720 or email the farm